Sometimes our world feels chaotic and sometimes it feels empty. Sometimes these problems can exist in our inner lives and sometimes they have to do with external circumstances. When these problems keep showing up again and again, it might be time to get help. But what do you do if these problems seem too complex or too personal to talk about with just anyone? Is it time to talk with a professional?
Have you heard or believed any of these statements yourself?
"There is no such thing as a mental health problem"
"Therapy is a kind of brainwashing"
"Professional counseling was never created for people like me"
"People who complain of emotional problems have weak personalities"
"Just accept that life is full of tragedies and get on with itβ
"You can never recover from a mental health problem"
"You can snap out of your distress on your own, if you have enough willpower"
"You shouldn't waste time in counseling when you can simply take a pill"
"All you need are your family and friends"